Vue UI Frameworks You Must Consider for Web Development in 2023 & Beyond

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  • By Surya Sharma
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  • clock 7 minutes MIN READ
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  • calendar Updated: August 4, 2022

JavaScript has always been regarded as a powerful programming language. After all, it has dynamic, event-driven, and goal-oriented aspects.

Vue.js is one of the most progressive JS frameworks for building SPAs (Single Page Applications) and UIs (User Interfaces) utilizing a JavaScript framework.

Moreover, the widely used vue.js framework can separate a website page into various components.

The use of UI component libraries simplifies the process. You can get help in the development process from various Vue UI component libraries.

Vue UI Component Libraries and Frameworks

1. Quasar

This performance-driven Vue framework aids in the development of Vue UIs. The Quasar UI library first appears to rely on Material Design. But once Quasar is up and running, everything may be appropriately customized to fit your design system.

Also, Read | Top 10 Vue UI Libraries and Frameworks for Web Development

Nearly all of Quasar’s Version-1 plugins, directives, and elements have already been released. Additionally, it included composable to aid developers in their understanding of the Quasar API.

You can choose Quasar as a UI framework to create a Vue application for mobile, desktop, and online platforms because it has a vibrant community on Twitter and Discord and is well-known on GitHub.

2. Element Plus

To Vue 3, Element Plus adds a wide selection of inexpensive components. The majority of these parts are required to construct a sophisticated app.

Additionally, this library offers sophisticated timelines, calendar components, trees, and time and date pickers.

Additionally, Element Plus offers a framework-wide globalization mechanism and simple animations.

One of the most well-known Vue 3 UI frameworks is Element Plus, which may satisfy our needs with quick updates, excellent problem-solving, high customizability via SCSS variables, and pluggable elements.

3. VUX

Mobile user interface VUX Vux The WeChat app was specifically designed for the Vue component library.

This Chinese library is typically created for the creation of mobile applications. It makes use of a lot of WeUI components.

However, the VUX developers cannot identify common problems with this module because there is no management team.

Moreover, the community hub notes this problem. The difficulty of installing the entire component package is reduced by the ability to install its components following specific requirements.

4. Vuetify

A gorgeous Vue UI package using the Material Design guideline is called Vuetify.

As a result, it was developed following the Material Design guidelines and each component was intended to be effective, responsive, and modular.

Vuetify’s unique and dynamic layouts assist you in designing a mobile app.

Using it, you may use SASS libraries to style your components perfectly. Additionally, it supports all current browsers, Vue CLI-3, and accessibility guidelines. Finally, it provides numerous reusable UI components, like navigations, carousels, and cards.

For Apache Cordova, A La Carte, Electron, PWA, NUXT, Webpack, and Simple HTML, Vuetify also offers basic templates.

5. Vue Bootstrap

A well-known CSS library called Bootstrap Vue combines the strengths of both Bootstrap and Vue.

Using this library, you may create ARIA-accessible, mobile-first, and responsive web applications.

Bootstrap Vue’s documentation is simple to set up and comprehend. Additionally, it expedites the completion of front-end applications.

Thanks to its robust and aggressive community support, you may feel secure utilizing Bootstrap Vue to design user interfaces.

More than 1000 icons, several directives, 45+ accessible plugins, and more than 85 components are included.

6. Ant Design Vue

This Vue UI toolkit’s high-quality demonstrations and components are based on the Ant Design guideline and may be used to build engaging detailed user interfaces.

Ant Design Vue includes various UI components, including statistics, drawers, skeletons, and more to enhance your web projects.

Ant Design Vue Version-2 has just been updated to be easier and quicker to integrate, less in bundle size, and also supports Vue 3. Additionally, it supports server-side rendering, electron, and contemporary web browsers.

7. Keen UI

Additionally, drawing inspiration from Material Design is this Vue component library.

This compact library has an easy-to-use API that aids in designing app layouts. The primary focus of Keen UI is on interactive components that require JavaScript.

It does not provide elements for typography, a grid system, etc., because it is not a CSS framework.

The UiCheckbox, UiCalendar, UiButton, UiAutocomplete, UiAlert, and other components available from Keen UI are just a few examples.

8. PrimeVUE

One of the best Vue UI component libraries, PrimeVUE has more than 80 components. Password forms with sliders, meters, graphs, trees, charts, split buttons, knobs, and other elements are included in its components.

It may be connected most effectively with the form validation library Vuelidate. PrimeVUE supports pre-made themes and gives developers access to a completely visual editor so they may create their own.

Vue 3 adoption has helped PrimeVUE experience substantial growth. It allows programmers to combine a well-designed library with Vue 3’s power.

9. Equal

Equal describes itself as a TypeScript-based framework for UI components for Vue 3. Due to its gorgeous components and simple explanatory page, it has a high capacity.

However, it only offers an opinionated style at the moment, which can be more challenging to customize than other frameworks on our list.

However, if you require a fantastic set of elements offering best-in-class Typography with top-notch performance and fantastic animations, you should choose Equal.

10. Buefy

A simple, Bulma-based Vue UI component library is called Buefy.

Buefy, which combines Vue with Bulma, enables you to create aesthetically pleasing apps with less code. Either the entire page or individual elements can be imported.

Using CDN or npm, you can quickly integrate Buefy into your project. Buefy provides components, layout, and UI icons that are simply accessible.

In addition, its parts can use SASS to match your theme. Buefy also supports current web browsers.

11. Fish UI

This Vue UI framework can be used to create front-end web applications. Modern browser environments are compatible with Fish UI, which also supports ES2015 and Webpack 2.0.

Unfortunately, little to no information is available on this library in China. However, this library’s community center is sufficiently active to address all problems.

Numerous components from Fish UI include semantic CSS elements, including Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, Dropdowns, Buttons, Tables, Pagination, Cards, Menus, Tags, BackTops, and so on.

12. Ionic Vue

This UI framework is mainly focused on the user experience for mobile devices.

A large Slack channel with basic members, a wonderful community, enterprise support, and many StackOverflow queries are all features of Ionic Vue.

So you can utilize it whenever you require assistance. Many large corporations use ionic Vue because its team is renowned for correctly maintaining UI frameworks.

13. Chakra UI

It is an open-source, simple, modular component library that offers tools to quickly and easily construct Vue apps.

Chakra UI’s components may all be customized, ordered, and assembled. Additionally, it unusually enables responsive styles and works with dark mode.

Chakra UI Vue also contains various layout components like CStack and CBox that make customizing your UI components with succinct props easier.

Moreover, it uses a Webpack plugin to enable auto-import of its components.

14. Vuikit

A UIkit-based Vue component library is called vuikit. It is a flexible and reliable library that aids in creating web-based user interfaces.

It is an open-source Vue component library that boasts the front-end capabilities of UIkit and makes it simple to create responsive and speedy UIs.

In addition to working with all current browsers, Vuikit offers a variety of pre-set themes and styles that you may change without affecting the component’s functionality.

Vuikit provides a variety of components, including forms, grids, icons, breadcrumbs, tables, tabs, and more.

15. Vuesax

The front-end programming of a project is uniform and fluid, thanks to the Vue component framework.

In addition, Vuesax offers a variety of simply accessible components that you can modify to fit your needs and quickly incorporate into the project.

The apps can stand out from the crowd thanks to the complete front-end and the independent style of components.

As a result, Vuesax significantly aids in brand promotion. In addition, it is created utilizing a variety of frameworks, including TypeScript, SASS, Babel, Vue.js, and JavaScript.


A UI component library makes project development simpler. Based on the characteristics of the project you’ll be working on, pick the appropriate one.

Find the most appropriate Vue UI component library and framework before beginning a new Vue.js project.

This article will help you choose the best UI library for your upcoming Vue.js project.

However, if you can’t locate a Vue UI package specifically created for your need, you should seek assistance from qualified Vue.js developers.

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