Your Software Code Must Have These 8 Characteristics

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  • By Ranjit Singh
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  • clock 4 minutes MIN READ
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  • calendar Updated: February 10, 2023

We are living in a world where things just happen with a click.

There is software all around that is responsible for such a hi-tech scenario.

But have you ever thought about what is the characteristics of software, and what lends to its high-end functionality?

Most of us would just ignore this point and will keep on highlighting the negatives of poor software.

However, in reality, the fault is not in the software, but in the way in which it is coded.

So, it is very important to do the coding at that level, which makes your software easy and fun to use.

Just give a thought, to how your computers, refrigerators, and microwaves managed to offer you the best service of instant information, chilled delicacies, and freshly cooked food.

It was all the magic of their software coding that made you enjoy the best of all these electronic gadgets.

If we explicitly talk about their magical conduct, then here are those 8 characteristics of software, which are the reason behind the success of any software code.

Check out these important “must-have features of software codes”.

No doubt every developer will have different answers for this, but the definition of good code will always hold a handful of these qualities, which are often cited as being characteristic of well-written code.

Discussed below are the 8 gems that are the characteristics of software codes:

1. Code Must Serve the Purpose

All know that software codes can’t be created equally. Even if they are created for the same purpose, they will be different in some way or the other.

So the sole feature of software code must be that it should work and solve the purpose for which it has been written.

If your software code fails to work as per your or others’ expectations, then it can’t be considered good software code.

Therefore, make sure that your software code works.

2. Easy Readability

One of the most important characteristics of software code is how easily you can read it.

A top-notch software code is one that makes it easy for other programmers to understand what you have written with a minimum amount of time and effort.

A good naming strategy, smart use of comments, and clear control flow are the vital ingredients that make your software code easy to read and hence easier to maintain, augment or reuse.

3. Ease of its Testing

The characteristics of software code are reflected in the ease of its testing.

Talking about it more specifically, the features of software code are demonstrated when it is tested programmatically.

This means when each component of your software code does what it is supposed to do, it is then you can say it is high-quality software code.

4. Well-Maintained Code

No matter how well you have written the software code, there will be bugs, which you will have to fix.

It is the easiness with which it can be fixed that will make it a well-maintained software code. And, this all depends upon factors like readability, simplicity, and modifiability.

So, if you can maintain your software code well, it will symbolize its high quality.

5. Make Code Look Good

Although this point has nothing to do with the software code functionality, it holds great importance for the developers.

The use of right spacing, indentation, and capitalization makes a software program easier to understand and read. Just try to make your software code look better.

6. Changes Bring out the Best Results

It’s not like the software code once written can’t undergo changes.

A good software code is always one that can be changed from time to time to bring out the best results.

Developers like software codes that can be modified effortlessly without causing any unpleasant side effects.

7. Simple Code Always Rocks

Complex things are always difficult to understand.

This is the reason why developers want simple software codes.

Avoid using those deeply nested loops, complex if/else statements, or other complicated coding structures and get the best software code without over-complicating things.

8. Efficiency is The Key

Write good software code that runs fast and uses minimum system resources.

This will account for the efficiency of your written code and will lead to faster execution times.

So, when you are determining the feature-richness of any software code, look for these 8 characteristics of software codes.

The availability of all these factors will define the accuracy and proficiency of your software codes.

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