The success of an organization isn’t just tied to what you do for your customers, but also to what you do for your female employees. A recent report published by Mckinsey Global Institute justifies the statement, where it is concluded that advancing women’s equality at workplaces has become more important than ever because they can add relevant numbers to the global growth.
The study finds that $12 trillion dollars could be added to general GDP by 2025, by concentrating on the economic implications of dearth of parity between women and men. If this astounding figure shows anything, in specific, is that it’s time to help women achieve their full economic potential as they account for half the world’s working-age community.
In country like India where the number of working women has been steadily falling, our female employees’ strength increased significantly. We take pride in being called as a women-supportive organization. With Mckinsey report, it’s evident that women have a lot of potential if they are given identical role to that of men, and we don’t miss on any chance to provide them with the opportunities.
It is our firm belief that empowering women in workplace not only yields productive results but also help in long-term growth of a company. Not only just we provide opportunities to women at our workplace but also mentorship, support and training in all the ways possible.
Our female employees already bring a lot of strengths to the organization, which we realize quite well. Here are the things that we, as an employer, do for our female employees to empower and prepare them for a better and bright future:
Support From Senior Leadership
We don’t believe in implying an environment where the male bosses look at their female colleagues as subordinates. Instead, we believe they have as much potential as other male bosses or employees. Regardless of who is on the top position, every leader in our firm supports the success of their employees equally. If the senior leaders won’t do that, rest of the firm will follow the pursuit and none of us would want that to happen. At least, not in RV Technologies.
Education And Training
It is evident that women bear greater responsibility than men. They take care of home, family and work, meaning that women gets very limited time to learn and grow. Thought we won’t be able to affect how our female employees’ personal lives operate, we try educating them during the workday.
We provide them training on decision-making skills, leadership development and other topics that our female employees want, as a matter of fact, need to learn.
In a book talk, Ms. Sandberg has suggested that a male probably feel uneasy creating a mentoring relationship with a female colleague in order to maintain a professional image. Our leaders opposes the prospect proposed by the Lean in author.
Each of our senior leader very well demonstrates to the employees that men and women alike can be each other’s mentors. Besides, they mentees in a way that is productive, professional, and beneficial for both of our male and female employees.
If a lady can learn, she can teach, too. Many of our female leaders love teaching on pro bono basis and we take pride in having able to offer them with the chances to do so. In every week or month, they get to share their skills with the young talents to enlighten them on the eminence of positivity, social skills, collaboration and clear vision for a better future. When young female executives see other women lead, it shows them the endless opportunities and possibilities they can have at a workplace.
No Male Or Female Dominance, We’re For Talent And Hardwork!
India’s position is at the bottom when it comes to women’s economic participation, which is about 20%. At the same time, men who are working or looking for work are about 80% of their total population, shows a report by ILO. Even from the beginning, women are hired at lower rates than men.
Their representation endures to decline through the corporate pipeline. Besides, in many corporates the high roles quickly become male dominated, forcing women to hold roles of the assistants when they can manage budgets, strategy and client relationships.
Every year, we hire female talent, coach them through tough projects and conversations, and try to serve as their sounding boards and reference as much as we can. This makes it easier for them to move up the corporate leader and contribute to our workplace enthusiastically, which is why we have about 40% female employees, and 10% out of them are at managerial positions, handling teams of at the least of 10 employees incredibly. Plus, we don’t allow masculine-tilted language in our company’s premises which drives them to continue working for us for as long as they wish.
One person or one organisation won’t be able to transform years of the corporate inequality. All we can do is give our little efforts in bringing the change. Being a large firm, it’s our duty to incorporate the efforts made by our employees and our leaders to bring a change in the way women at workplace are looked at.
Who knows if the global or India’s inequality at workplace will change or not someday. The least we can do is to work for that change and wait until things fall into place!