Whenever you hear a random guy talking about cloud computing in IT departments, you probably wonder what it is all about. Not many of us understand the meaning of two words “Cloud Computing” especially if you aren’t a techie.
When you look around some of the many pros and cons that cloud computing has, you might envision that it has gained enough attention of the entrepreneurs. Despite having lack of knowledge or influence of technology, you might be using cloud computing in your own department. In fact, we are getting used to storing data in the cloud through apps such as Dropbox, iCloud or even Facebook.
But this doesn’t really end up here. It has some other applications as well that probably you didn’t know about yet.
IT and eCommerce
Reducing expense seems to be the topmost concern many IT and eCommerce companies are inclined to the use of cloud methodology. Cutting down costs and expenditure allows businesses to think beyond their budget. Companies nowadays are looking for a cost-effective solution rather than expensive local servers. And cloud computing has made it possible for the businesses to manage the redundant costs.
In addition, cloud computing allows these companies to capture the data in a well-planned manner so as to custom it in case, you need to update any changes such as sales information, inventory track information, etc to the existing record.
Cloud computing has significantly influenced the healthcare industry. Hospitals, health-centers can now update the patients information on the go. So doctors and nurses can have access to the patients’ information without having to source records from the different facilities. They can simply find the relevant information from the cloud.
Even more, cloud computing has changed the way healthcare is provided. In the upcoming years, people will be able to access services directly from the cloud rather than having to visit clinics for check-ups.
Home health monitoring will enable patients suffering from diabetes, heart conditions, sleeping disorders get check-ups from their homes. Companies working on experimental technologies are also looking to use infrared cameras and make it a part of their healthcare check-up plan to analyze the patients’ body for any further potential threats.
The travel industry has already been feeling the influence of cloud computing. Everything is being controlled from how people find cabs, check in to flights and hotels, pay their bills, and much more. The big data captured in the cloud is now being used to offer more travel offerings to the visitors.
Communicating with people has now become a lot easier through cloud computing. Travelers will soon be able to use their mobile devices to eliminate the language barriers, with apps that recognize the voice and translate words into your local language.