ChatGPT vs Bard: What’s the Future of Generative AI Tools

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  • By Sandeep Kumar
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  • clock 6 minutes MIN READ
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  • calendar Updated: February 20, 2023

In November 2022, OpenAI took the Internet by storm by launching its conversational AI tool – ChatGPT. Unless you’ve been living in a cave away from civilization, we’re pretty sure you’ve at least once tested this modern-day, conversational, AI-driven chat system.

At first, ChatGPT became an Internet sensation and every Twitter thread was talking about its capabilities and how it might dominate the future. Some experts even predicted that ChatGPT will resurrect Bing as a search engine and make it more reliable than Google. But, will it?

Recently, Google launched its own generative tool BARD and it’s expected to be way superior to ChatGPT – all thanks to the extensive database Google’s been collecting over the years.

Although Google still hasn’t officially released BARD to the public, the speculations of it being a more reliable conversational AI tool are everywhere on the Internet.

So, today, we’ll compare the two generative AI tools, their future, and how conversational AI can impact the future of the digital world.

We’ll also highlight the importance of AI in the mobile app development industry and why startups & entrepreneurs must prioritize machine learning and AI in the near future.

So, without any further ado, let’s dive in.

What is Generative AI?

Let’s ask ChatGPT itself, shall we?

We couldn’t have answered it better than ChatGPT, but let’s try to break down this answer to further simplify the definition. In layman’s terms, generative AI is the branch of Artificial Intelligence that generates real-time outputs for user queries by analyzing patterns from an existing database.

The outputs can be generated in the form of text, pictures, or videos, but they are quite different from the original content stored in the database. In short, you get an answer that doesn’t necessarily look machine-generated, but more of a human-like response.

It’s worth pointing out that conversational AI tools like ChatGPT and BARD are way different from conventional chatbots. However, if you go through articles on the Internet, you’ll see people using both synonymously, mainly because of several underlying similarities between them. But, that’s not the case.

The key difference between conversational AI and chatbots is the smarter responses the former can produce to a user query. No doubt, chatbots also use Artificial Intelligence to respond to user queries, they don’t have an extensive database and self-learning capabilities to generate human-like responses.

In many cases, it’s quite easier to distinguish between the two as outputs generated from chatbots are quite robotic. On the other hand, a generative AI tool like a chatbot is capable of generating more natural answers through generative analysis.

An Introduction to ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a type of generative and conversational AI tool that’s designed and managed by OpenAI. From this definition, it’s clear that ChatGPT provides responses in a conversational manner.

It was first released by Open AI on November 30, 2022, and within a short time span, the website managed to acquire more than 1 million users. In fact, if you try to create a new account with ChatGPT right now, you may encounter server downtime in many situations. That’s how popular this generative AI tool has become.

At its crux, ChatGPT uses Open AI’s GPT-3 language model to generate responses to users’ queries. For readers who don’t know, GPT-3 is a language model that’s trained using human-written content published on the Internet.

Practically, you can use ChatGPT to generate different types of content including blogs, brief descriptions, law briefs, memes, etc. In fact, coders can even use their AI capabilities to find codes for several problems.

Here’s an example:

We asked Flutter to write a code to add three numbers. And, here’s the result it spat out.

What’s more interesting is that this result was generated within 2 seconds. Similarly, you can use ChatGPT in several other situations to generate different results on various queries.

What is Google’s BARD?

Now, coming to ChatGPT’s real competition – BARD. Last week, Google announced it’ll be launching its own conversational AI and within a day it made the top headlines.

Although Google still hasn’t announced a final launch date, speculations say that BARD will be available to the masses within a month. As of today, BARD is being tested by a team of Beta testers.

BARD uses Google’s Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA) to generate responsive answers to several user queries.

With BARD, Google’s primary objective is to provide comprehensive and more detailed answers to search queries as opposed to the conventional search results offered by the search engine.

Inside reports have also revealed that along with a detailed answer, BARD will also provide additional links to relevant web pages to aid users with their further research.

How BARD is Different from ChatGPT?

The primary goal of both BARD and ChatGPT is similar, i.e., providing human-like responses to users’ queries.

The key difference between the two generative AI tools is that BARD analyzes the latest information available on the Internet to generate its responses. ChatGPT only holds information till 2021 and can’t provide any answers when asked about recent events.

BARD, on the other hand, is capable of providing information on all events, even the latest ones. Since BARD has comparatively more data to access information from, it can provide better and more comprehensive answers.


Generative AI is here and it’ll most likely dominate the digital world in the longer run. While we don’t know how superior Google’s BARD will be – when compared to ChatGPT – it’s no secret that its access to real-time and extensive information will help it provide better answers.

Like these two generative AI tools, several other startups are planning to launch their own versions of conversational AI.

In short, the future belongs to generative AI and if you own a digital solution, it’ll be crucial to optimize it around AI to deliver a better user experience.

Get in touch with our app development experts and they’ll help you understand the importance of integrating AI into modern-day digital solutions.

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