Laravel Developer

Job description:

RV Technologies is looking for a Laravel developer who will be responsible for building and creating web apps for our organization. The successful Laravel developer candidate will use the Laravel framework and PHP to help the front-end and the back-end teams produce exceptional web apps and tools.


  • Building and maintaining modern web applications using standard web development tools, Mobile APIs, Web Based Admin Panels.
  • Writing clean and secure modular code that have undergone strict testing and evaluation
  • Checking the validity and consistency of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on different platforms
  • Debugging and resolving technical issues
  • Maintaining and designing databases
  • Performing back-end and User Interface (UI) tests to enhance the functionality of an application
  • Collaborating with other developers (front-end, back-end, mobile app, etc.) and project managers to move the software projects faster
  • Documenting the task progress, architecture, and development process

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    RV Technologies. We are excited to hear
    about your project.


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