Angular 13: Everything You Need to Know About the Latest Angular Version

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  • By Sandeep Kumar
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  • clock 10 minutes MIN READ
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  • calendar Updated: July 15, 2022

Angular 13 is a common choice among developers. By offering an Ivy view engine for a cleaner method of making components, it has eased developers, also called Angularity.

Are you assuming the angular latest version? The answer is Angular 13, the most recent version of Google’s preferred typeScript-based web framework, as it was updated recently in November 2021.

There is no doubt why Angular is the popular framework for front-end development? as it keeps on introducing new features, upgrading to new versions, and much more.

After the Angular 13 update, just five months later, it released version 13 for use in production. In addition, Angular 13 has introduced some exciting features, so let’s explore them in more detail and get a short overview.

Top features of Angular 13 Every developer must know before app development.

Let’s examine Angular 13’s features in more detail. This version covers a lot of important modifications, which might be effortless for Angular App developers to keep up with.

Totally Ivy

Since all new versions of Angular 13 use Ivy, the view engine is no longer supported. Ivy engines free developers from codebase issues and maintenance costs.

Ivy assembles components separately to shorten the development cycle because the angular framework migrates all the tools to Ivy ensuring every transition occurs smoothly. There is no requirement for libraries created with the most recent APF version to utilize the ngcc (Angular compatibility compiler) because metadata and summary files are not required.

With ViewContainerRef.createComponent, the new API deletes ComponentFactoryResolver without creating an associated factory.

Modifications in the Angular Package Format (APF)

The Angular Package Format, or APF, represents the structure and format of Angular Framework packages and View Engine metadata. It’s an excellent method for packaging outside libraries in a web development environment.

The APF has been streamlined and enhanced to better support developers. Also, to optimize the APF, obsolete output formats, such as View Engines, metadata particular, etc., have been removed.

With the introduction of new functionalities in angular 13 to manage Node Package Exports, the APF has also been updated. Developers won’t have to depend on internal APIs in the future if they do this.

Support from Typescript 4.4

TypeScript 4.2 and 4.3 are no longer supported because of the addition of TypeScript 4.4 in Angular 13. Since it does not employ setters and getters to obtain the same kind, TypeScript 4.4 has emerged as a benefit for Angular projects.

This modification helps Angular developers maintain clean and secure code. Some modifications include JavaScript spelling suggestions, inlay tips, control flow analysis, class static blocks, symbols as index signatures, and the precise optional property type. Other additions include better type guard detection, improvements to IntelliSense, and defaulting to unknown type catch variables.

Modifications to Angular Tests

Angular team has made certain modifications in TestBed, and as a result, test environments and modules are now properly destroyed after each test.

Developers can anticipate memory-intensive, optimized, interdependent, and speedier testing because the DOM has been cleansed.

There are two methods to do it. Depending on the requirements of your project, you can select any of the two methods:

TestBed.initTestEnvironment or TestBed.configureTestingModule. These significant upgrades were initially introduced in the Angular 12 update but are now default.

Angular Universal

The Angular Universal framework allows an app to render on a server rather than the client’s browser. The software loads faster and performs better on mobile devices thanks to such server-side rendering, which also delivers a good search engine ranking. As a result, Angular universal offers a smooth interaction experience to the enterprise app’s end-user.

Improvements to the Angular Command-Line Interface

Unquestionably, the CLI is important to the success of angular. By eliminating complicated steps like configuration and startup on a larger scale, Angular CLI streamlines the development process with simple commands.

By assisting developers in locating the appropriate folder for the update and the module to import the components, the Angular CLI secures developers and frees up space for undiscovered components.

Developers may quickly test a component’s rendering accuracy with Angular 13 to see if it renders correctly or not. The build-cache option is also preferred, and you have full control over whether to enable or disable it in already-existing Angular projects.

Therefore, before beginning the development, ensure the angular app development team is experienced.

Efficiency Increased via Dependency Injection

Because of Angular’s dependency injection feature, code readability is improved, simplifying maintenance and iterations. The significant reduction in testing time and development costs is especially advantageous for large-scale business systems.

A developer can change or replace any injector without having to change the settings for the other components of the app is its most crucial feature.

End of Internet Explorer 11

Due to the release of Angular 13, Internet Explorer 11 will no longer be supported by Angular. Giving up Internet Explorer 11 makes the package smaller and speeds up app loading. Due to these advancements, Angular can now utilize cutting-edge browser features like web animations via native web APIs and CSS variables.

Because of the enhanced API and the lack of IE-specific polyfills, apps will load faster. Additionally, it eliminates the need for differential loading. App consumers will benefit from quick loading times and positive user experiences, while developers will gain from improved infrastructure and APIs.

When a project is migrated, running the ng update automatically removes IE-specific polyfills, reducing the bundle size.

Angular Material

It provides pre-built UI MDCs components for web platforms, desktop, and mobile for greater accessibility. Programmers may quickly create form controls, navigational components, radio buttons, layouts, and indicators as everything has become simple for developers.

Reclassification of Forms

In Angular v13, a new form type called FormControlStatus was added. It compiles each form control status string into one location:

For instance, FormControlStatus has replaced string as the type of AbstractControl.status. The type of StatusChanges has changed from ObservableFormControlStatus> to Observableany>.


Whatever we create, both within and outside the Angular community, is envisioned on accessibility (a11y). All MDC-based elements, including Touch targets, contrasts, and ARIA, have been examined to ensure that the most recent release satisfies the minimum requirements for a11y.

Radio buttons, checkboxes, and high contrast modes are now used effectively because of the new angular 13 features.

Node.Js Versions Before 12.20 Are No Longer Accepted.

Because Angular uses the Node.js package export capability with subpath patterns, versions of Node.js prior to 12.20.0 are no longer supported in Angular 13.

Ergonomics Designed APIs

By employing ergonomically designed component-level granular code disruption and code-splitting APIs, Angular v13 has reduced load times. Performance has also been enhanced in ESBuild’s most recent version.

Terser and the ESBuild JavaScript bundler work together to enhance global scripts. Additionally, it facilitates CSS source maps, which enables globally optimized CSS. Additionally, Svelte, Vue, and Elm framework languages are supported by this JS bundler.

Framework and dependency updates

There have been significant changes made to Angular 13. The default application created with ng new is RxJS v7.4. The npm install [email protected] command must be used manually to update RxJS v6.x applications. New projects can now be started using RxJS 7, while ongoing projects should continue to use RxJS 6.

Upgrades to Localization

The $localize API is clear and concise. Developers use it to create an efficient method for in-built internationalization (i18n) and translate code messages and layouts.

Support for Adobe Fonts inline

To enhance the FCP (First Contentful Paint). Angular 11 previously added support for inlining Google fonts; as of Angular 13, this support has been expanded to include Adobe fonts. By inlining fonts, you can enhance the performance of your application. Additionally, the router’s upgrades make it possible to keep the current browser URL.

Changes in Router

Routing makes it easier for us to switch between views. By interpreting a browser URL as a request to change the view, it makes navigation easier.

The router does not change the browser’s URL when the current navigation terminates the previous navigation.

There were a number of compatibility concerns with earlier versions of Angular, particularly with query parameters. The most recent upgrade, however, improves the compatibility of query parameters with question marks. For instance, anything in query parameters that come after a question mark is dropped by the default URL serializer.

Features of Angular 13 -API Updates

Now that the ViewContainerRef.createComponent API has been updated; it is possible to create dynamic elements with less boilerplate coding. If you use Angular 13, ComponentFactoryResolver is not necessary.

Cohesive Architecture in Angular 13

The basic blocks of Angular web development are components. The cohesive components of Angular resemble trees and are made up of appropriate pieces with linked functionalities. All Angular projects can access these well-encapsulated components through a streamlined API. Two of the fundamental advantages of Angular architecture are its reusability and maintainability.

Reusability: Agular software components are reusable since they stand alone. You can reuse an element with a certain feature in any area of the code that requires it once it has been generated. The component-based, reusable architecture of Angular reduces development time while ensuring that the program is consistent.

Maintainability: The framework’s loosely coupled components are Angular’s additional key benefit. Working with our knowledgeable Angular JS developers will simplify the procedure.

Support: Additionally, Angular 13 offers some extra support features like:

The language service would offer support for autocomplete string literal union sorts in themes.

RouterOutletContract is expanded to include any remaining outlet activities for the router. This will be necessary for the long run when components are offered dynamically utilizing module federation.

Comparison Between Angular 12 Vs. Angular 13

We discovered significant changes say core structural, extra deprecations, performance, and upgrades while comparing Angular version 12 Vs. Angular version 13. Let’s look at a table that contrasts the features each provide:

Angular 12 Angular 13

It uses TypeScript 4.2

It uses TypeScript 4.4

Depreciating IE11 support

IE11 is not supported

RxJS 7.4 framework

RxJS v6.x framework

HTTP Enhancement

Component API updates

Updated language service preview

Angular tests Enhancement

Angular CLI modifications

Improved component tests harness

What is the New Angular Version 13 Update Process?

Download Angular 12 if you wish to update your app to the newest Angular version, 13. Now adhere to the instructions to update your current app to the newest Angular 13 version using this link:

Key Takeaway

Due to its excellent functionality and high usability, Angular is becoming more and more popular. And it is the best moment to recruit Angular JS developers for your project.

Every six months after the release of the prior version, the angular team makes sure to release a new upgrade. On May 12, Angular 12 became available. With a variety of new features and upgrades, Angular v13 is now readily available. Try out Angular 13 with the help of IVY. It’s time to upgrade from Angular 12 to Angular 13 if you’re still using an older version or want to create fantastic apps that adhere to current web standards.

Thus, hire developers for Angular upgrade services to seamlessly update your existing project to the most recent version.

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